SLOPPY REPORTING!! We know who’s going to win this case!
CNN defamation trial comes at a rough time for legacy media — and for the struggling network
“You’re going to have an opportunity to send a message to mainstream media. You’re going to have an opportunity to change an industry.”
Is Facebook going to give me and Angela back our personal Facebook pages that were permanently banned because we posted the cover of my new book during the riots?
Mark Zuckerberg’s Statement on Free Speech Signals an Important Cultural Shift
“If Zuckerberg means even half of what he says in it, we may well be seeing a genuine shift in how Silicon Valley regards free speech, dissent, and pluralism.”
Tyrant Trudeau steps down. What does this mean for free speech in Canada?
With Trudeau on the way out, can Canadians get their free speech back?
“Trudeau has been the cheerful face of modern censorship. While exuding tolerance and inclusivity, he hammered conservatives and libertarians with draconian measures and perfectly Orwellian soundbites.”
Mainstream media perpetuates the anti-Jewish message.
Liberal media mainstreams a blood libel about Israeli ‘apathy’
“Liberal corporate media outlets have begun to platform a new variation on the theme in which Palestinians are lionized and Israelis are demonized.”
“Nation of Islam” preacher’s lawsuit against ADL crashed and burned before it ever got off the ground.
Louis Farrakhan Loses Defamation and First Amendment Lawsuit Against Anti-Defamation League and Others
“We [also] conclude that plaintiffs fail to state any plausible defamation claims because the challenged statements are nonactionable opinions or, even if actionable, are not adequately alleged to be false or to have been made with actual malice…”
Minneapolis assistant chief tries to squelch claims in a book about George Floyd.
Ex-MPD officers, politicians defend ‘The Fall of Minneapolis,’ Liz Collin in defamation lawsuit
“Blackwell’s suit argued the defendants knowingly defamed her by questioning the honesty of her testimony at Chauvin’s criminal trial in the book, They’re Lying: The Media, the Left, and the Death of George Floyd…”
So, you have to testify against a guy who you claim raped you…but you have to call him a her in court?! LUNACY!!!
Blue state violent crime victims ordered to address ‘trans’ career criminal by preferred pronouns
“This is a particular issue in this case because it’s confusing to the jury. In California, rape is a crime that has to be accomplished by a man,” said Moreno.
Defund MORE of this crap!!
State Department’s ‘Global Engagement Center’ accused of censoring Americans shuts its doors
Taibbi wrote last year when exposing the Twitter Files that the GEC “flagged accounts as ‘Russian personas and proxies’ based on criteria like, ‘Describing the Coronavirus as an engineered bioweapon,’ blaming ‘research conducted at the Wuhan institute,’ and ‘attributing the appearance of the virus to the CIA.’”

Have a look at this as we have freedom of expression (speech etc). https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/how-rights-protected/guide-canadian-charter-rights-freedoms.html
Most of us don’t Trudeau here either. He was not groomed for the role of PM in fact he was a teacher. Your country will have enough to worry about with your incumbent.
Carry on gang, we are watching. And saying what we like about anything we choose. Hehehe.