
Book Promotion: Why Postcards Work by Kathryn Elizabeth Jones

Book Promotion: Why Postcards Work by Kathryn Elizabeth Jones

Most writers have business cards to pass out to interested readers and writers, but what about business postcards? A writer is in business, after all, not only to let others know about their latest book but to sell it as well.

Investing your money in postcards becomes valuable the minute you hand one to a potential reader. Readers like to hear about new books buy, quite frankly, they forget the book title, your name, and where to purchase the book locally after you’ve left them. Having a card helps their memory and, because you have almost an entire card to ‘toot your horn,’ there is much more room to share.

Using a postcard helps you get your foot in the door. Postcards are better and more memorable than mere lip service. Frankly, I wouldn’t leave home without them, and always carry them in my purse. I have one for each book and another for my business – just so they’re handy when discussing what I do for a living.

Postcards are much more difficult to lose than a typical business card. Like mini billboards, I use my cards when standing in line at the grocery store or bank, at restaurants when I tip the waiter for great service and, of course, when I’m at a book signing or a boutique. I use them wherever I am, whenever there’s a new interest in my book or when someone needs my email address or phone number. You never know when they’re going to need a book!

Investing in postcards is an inexpensive way to share the news about your book. I usually purchase 500 cards at a time, and pay roughly $50 through VistaPrint using their regular sales promotions that come to me monthly through my email account.

NOTE: If you need help with an eye-catching design that includes your book cover, business logo, and or other graphics, with descriptive text, of course, contact Angela at WritersWeekly for a referral to an excellent designer.

So what should you include on a postcard?

* Book cover. On the front, left-hand side of the card I always place my book cover. It is the highlight of the card, and what readers will see first.

* Synopsis. To the right of the book cover I place my book’s title and synopsis. This will cover the entire right-hand side of the postcard.Gift-Front2Goliath-front2


* Key information. On the left, back side of the card I place the book title and where my book can be purchased. At the bottom left hand side, I add my name, phone number, web address, email address, twitter handle, and QR code. You may use whatever social media connections you like on the back of the card, but try not to clutter the card up too much. Just use a couple that you like.

Because I also use my postcards as REAL postcards, and send them off for future book signings, speaking engagements, etc., I also keep the right, back side of the card completely blank so that I can include names and addresses of those I’m inviting, as well as a place for a stamp. Mailing postcards is less expensive than the standard letter and there is nothing to open. Right away, the reader or writer will see your book, what it’s about, and where to get it.Gift-BackGoliath-back


When readers or writers tell me that they keep my postcard on their fridge, or that the card came in handy when they were placing an order on Amazon, I know my cards are working. My personally designed postcards are keeping my book in their minds and they are selling books!

Kathryn has been a published writer since 1987. She started as a newspaper reporter, published her first novel in 2002, attended college in her 40s, and opened the doors to Idea Creations Press in 2012. She has published seven books to date. Kathryn offers opportunities for authors to do the same using her writing, publishing and marketing services.