High Country News – ON 4/11/19, THIS PUBLISHER’S WEBSITE WAS DOWN.
P.O. Box 1090
Paonia CO 81428
Phone: (970)527-4898
Website: http://www.hcn.org
Guidelines: https://www.hcn.org/about/submissions
Email address: editor@hcn.org
About The Publication:
“High Country News is the nation’s leading source of reporting on the American West. We publish an award-winning magazine, a popular website and a weekly op-ed column service, along with special reports and books. Through in-depth reporting, High Country News covers the American West’s public lands, water, natural resources, grazing, wilderness, wildlife, logging, politics, communities, growth and other issues now changing the face of the West. From Alaska and the Northern Rockies to the desert Southwest, from the Great Plains to the West Coast, High Country News covers 12 Western states and is the leading source for regional environmental news, analysis and commentary — an essential resource for those who care about this region.” Circ. 35K. Publishes 22 issues/year. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1-6 months after acceptance. Buys first North American rights. No reprints. Responds 2 weeks. Subscription information: https://www.hcn.org/subscribe?
Current Needs:
“We are looking for well-reported stories and analysis from across the 11 Western states and Alaska. Short, scene- and character-driven stories that say something about broader Western issues, especially environmental, natural resources or diverse communities. From freelancers, we are especially seeking stories about communities of color from journalists of color.” Pays $1/word for 800-1,400 words. Submit query per guidelines online. “Please put ‘Story Query’ in the subject line to stay out of the trash bin.
Pays $1/word for 800-1,400 words. Submit query per guidelines online. Please put ‘Story Query’ in the subject line to stay out of the trash bin.
“Please do a lot of background research on hcn.org to understand how we have already covered similar stories in the past, and be prepared to explain why your pitch advances the story further.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes