The Gap by J. A. Thomas

The Gap by J. A. Thomas

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About the Book

The Darien Gap. A 10,000 square mile rain forest between Colombia and Panama. The most unexplored and dangerous jungle on Earth. Each year, thousands risk their lives in a hellish trek northwards through the Gap, for a chance at something better.

They face unrelenting heat, humidity, venomous animals and insects, poisonous plants, starvation, thirst, disease. The most dangerous creatures are the ones the travelers hire, to guide them through this primeval place.

Migrants are routinely robbed, raped, murdered, or simply lured down ghost trails and left to die. Terror and death are a constant companion.

The migrants are the nameless, known only by their dialects or countries of origin.

Guided through the hellish landscape by three ruthless, amoral human traffickers, each step becomes a struggle for survival as the group discovers the nature of the men to whom they have entrusted their lives. The violence escalates with each passing day, erupting in a shocking act of brutality. And the worst was yet to come.

Awakening from a horrific vision of ancient rituals and malevolent gods, they find themselves in a dreamworld of eldritch gods, old ones from the depths of space and time itself. With four dead at dawn, in the shadow of a malformed and alien edifice beyond reason, the group sets out to find their way back.

Over the course of the next four days, each of them discover that some paths are better left untraveled. That a new life can take on many forms. And that some gaps were never meant to be crossed

Read a free excerpt RIGHT HERE.

About the Author



Eric Perry lives in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with his wife, 2 dogs, and cat. Eric is a disabled Army veteran of 12 years and holds an MBA and a Masters in Divinity. Eric is an outdoor enthusiast. Eric loves hiking, kayaking, and taekwondo.



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