Tony Amato was a friend of mine. I worked with him on one of his many drafts of his book. That was years ago when he was still looking for a publisher. He received many offers from fly by night vanity publishers asking for thousands of dollars.
Several friends suggested Tony try Now Tony didn’t type and didn’t know how to use a computer. This meant someone had to help him. That person was Laura Adams, a mother of two, a full-time teacher, cable TV producer, and freelance writer. Despite her busy schedule she took on the task of preparing Tony’s manuscript for Another friend, Christine Church, also helped with the formatting.
Happily, Tony’s book was accepted at and Angela scheduled the publication date. Tony and his wife were so happy. They shared the good news with their friends. Finally Tony’s dream of twenty years was to come true and his book would be published.
Then, Tony got some bad news from his doctor. He only had a short time to live. There was nothing more the doctor’s could do for him. Laurie contacted Angela and told her the story. Angela somehow made room to publish Tony’s book right away. News spread quickly through the Senior Center, and in the local newspapers.
Tony’s book arrived. It was absolutely beautifully produced and he was very proud of it. Book signings were planned. Laurie took a photo of Tony holding his book. He wore a big smile. He felt a sense of relief that finally he had the book he’d dreamed of all these years.
One week later, Tony died. At his funeral the photo of him with his book was prominently displayed. His book was also on display. Everyone was told the story of how Tony died happy knowing his book was published. Many people admired the cover art and the high quality of the production.
Those of us who knew Tony are grateful to Angela for pushing the production ahead so he could have his book in hand. She truly made a dying man’s last wish come true.
- Why Booklocker Is The Best Publisher On The Planet – by Gary Sturgis, Author of Surviving Grief: 365 Days a Year
- BookLocker Still Doesn’t Take Rights from Authors, and NEVER WILL!!!
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- How can BookLocker afford to charge thousands less than other companies?
- Another BookLocker Book Has Been Optioned for a Movie!
- BookLocker’s Cover Designer Knocks It Out Of The Park Again!
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