Q –
Why is your process not $5,000.00 like the other companies that have offered to publish my book?
Here is a sample of the book. Please let me know if you would consider it.
A –
That’s an easy one. Because we’re don’t have a CEO who needs huge offices, a granite conference table, and tons of employees stroking his/her ego. 😉
I am Angela Hoy, the President & CEO of BookLocker. All of our authors have direct access to me. We have been in business for more than 20 years and we have stayed in business, and kept growing, because I never got into this business to be a narcissistic business owner, nor to get rich. I just wanted to help authors get their books on the market (and SELL those books) like I had been doing on my own for years. And, I wanted to help authors save money. The more we keep our belts tightened, the more we can keep our rates low.
Most importantly, I want to leave the world a better place than I found it. I have met some of our competitors’ CEOs in person, and talked to others on the phone, and I detest people with inflated egos. Many of the services offered by the “other guys” are scams. The authors will never earn enough in book sales to pay for those services and those companies know that. Yet, they keep convincing authors to spend that ridiculous amount of money!
I once had a competitor tell me I needed to raise my rates to make them not look so bad.
Another competitor put it a bit differently. He said, “Raise your rates by a lot! You deserve it!” I knew what he was trying to do.
I’ve had many authors tell me they assumed our service would not be as good because our fees are so low compared to the author meat markets. However, our reputation has remained excellent all of these years.
I will read your sample in a bit when I’m eating my homemade sandwich for lunch.
Thank you!
- How BookLocker Has Remained Profitable for More Than 20 Years…when so many others have failed
- BookLocker’s Package and Prices
- Is YOUR BOOK at Risk?! List of 27 Publishers Who Bit the Dust…and WHY
- POD SECRETS REVEALED – How Many Book Sales Needed to Recoup Your Investment?
- 25 Ways to Create a Publishing Company That WILL GO OUT OF BUSINESS! (And, You Just Might Go to Jail, Too!) by Snarky Angela Hoy
- 25 Sure-fire Signs Your Publisher May Be Going Out of Business (and what you can do NOW to save your book!)
- YOUR PUBLISHER WENT BELLY-UP? Six Ways to Get Your Book Back on the Market ASAP!
- Why “Free” Publishing Services Can Quickly Go Belly Up, and How They Can Keep Screwing Authors Years Later
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.