Though writing “feeds” our spirit and souls, as professionals, we need to devise creative, practical ways to feed our bellies, and keep the bill collectors at bay in between writing assignments.
Though online opportunities abound in 2018, a struggling economy and paradigm shifts in publishing have caused many newspapers and print publications to cut back on their workforce, or go out of business, thereby shrinking the pool of paying markets for all of us – no matter what our area of specialization.
Word to the wise: Even your favorite editor could be here today, and gone tomorrow.
But, there’s good news. With a little innovation here, you can create more income avenues that can keep you in the game, as well as keep you in the black! It’s all about “working smarter, not harder” and achieving greater economic empowerment.
With this in mind, here are five creative, profitable ways I have made writing money (sans writing)…and you can, too, regardless of your genre.
If you have authored an array of pieces, and know the publishing ropes, chances are you can help aspiring writers avoid common pitfalls and duplicate your success. Writing coaches, much like other “trainers,” help clients to shorten their learning curve, hone their craft, and perform at peak levels. Though fees vary, the average rate is $50.00 per hour. If you have a diverse portfolio, a passion for helping others, and a professional website, you could be well on your way to a great part-time career. For optimal success, make sure to put everything in writing.
Writing classes are popular for adult learners for many reasons. They’re fun, allow for creative expression, help others to enhance their communication skills for work advancement, and can even be therapeutic. Not to mention, there is no fear of a failing grade, which incentivizes many students. You can set up shop through sites like CourseCraft or SkillShare, or provide lessons via your own website.
Since writing tends to be a solitary profession, scribes often seek the fellowship of other writers to stay motivated, share markets, and exchange creative ideas. An African Proverb states: “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Why not host a monthly critique group at your place, or at a local coffeehouse? Members could pay you a monthly or yearly fee for your time, refreshments, guidance and resources. Additionally, members could organize and publish their works collectively in an anthology to showcase their talent, sell it, and share the profits. I have hosted a group for poets for over a decade and it has enriched me both socially and financially. Here’s a great writing group starter kit.
There’s no doubt about it. For most writers, blogging is a labor of love. But, there’s still a way to get a good R.O.I. for your sweat equity. If your blog is popular, well-designed, and updated regularly, you can monetize it through selling personal ads. I have made thousands of dollars over the years on my award-winning blog, Pen and Prosper. There’s no reason why you can’t, too.
There are several ways to approach it. You can send direct pitches to companies and service providers that offer things that would be potentially beneficial to your readership, or you can simply add a prominent tab on your website that reads “purchase ad space,” along with the particulars.
Dealing with the regular scrutiny of other editors (through the submission process) makes most accomplished writers very skilled at detecting spelling and grammatical errors, catching inconsistencies, and improving story lines. All of which are essential qualities for effective editing. Freelance editors are often hired by authors to polish up their novels prior to publication, by college students for required essays for English classes, and also for businesses producing everything from procedural manuals to collateral materials. Consider making up flyers and business cards, and circulating them at your local library. Or, attach your printed materials to the community bulletin board at a neighborhood store.
Remember, Ramen Noodles does not have to be a way of life for today’s innovative writer. There is money to be made. Use these ideas and your “creative license” and you’ll travel far in this year.
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JENNIFER BROWN BANKS is a content creator, ghostwriter and award-winning blogger. Publishing credits include: Pro Blogger, LifeHacker, Tiny Buddha, Write to Done and Chicago Sun-Times. In her spare time she enjoys finding ways to make money (in addition to writing). Learn more at her Top Blog for Writers at: http://Penandprosper.blogspot.com
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