One of the keys to being a successful freelance writer is versatility. To get good paying assignments from assorted magazines and blogs, one needs to be able to research and write about varied topics. It does not pay to ‘get stuck in a rut’ and concentrate on just one area of interest.
A freelance writer also needs to be open-minded and look at things from different perspectives. There is more than one side to every story and publications are looking for that unique view. That is why it is a good idea to break away from the routine and try something new.
When you think of faith-based publications, Christianity automatically comes to mind, but there are other religious magazines and websites looking for freelance writers such as The Lion’s Roar (Buddhist), Hinduism Today, and The Islamic Monthly. These platforms do not require writers to follow any certain belief system in order to write for their publications/websites. They do not want religious articles. What they want are quality, well thought-out stories the readers will relate to.
In order to write for any online or print publication, it is important to be familiar with its format, perspective and tone. That is why one needs to read a few issues before attempting to write an article.
The following faith-based magazines and websites are receptive to freelance writers.
Al-jazeera English gives ‘a voice to the voiceless’. They receive hundreds of queries but claim to review them all.
Pay: Averages 46 cents a word (http://whopayswriters.com/#/publication/aljazeera-english)
Submission guidelines: https://medium.com/@ajlabs/how-to-pitch-to-al-jazeera-com-da2f9fe45489
Muslim-Science.com – The pieces must reflect upon the past, present, or future state of the Muslim world and cover one (or more) broad themes of science or technology.
Pay: $40-$100 Submission guidelines: http://muslim-science.com/write-for-us/
The Islamic Monthly is an independent, nonreligious print and digital publication that fosters discussion on a broad range of issues and concerns.
Pay: varies
Submission guidelines:
Aish accepts first person articles that reflect how Jewish wisdom has a positive influence on our everyday life.
Pay: up to $200
Submission guidelines: http://www.aish.com/csp/47509982.html
Tablet is a daily online magazine that showcases Jewish news, ideas, and culture.
Pay: Negotiated
Submission guidelines: www.tabletmag.com/about
Forward provides political and cultural coverage on topics relevant to the American Jewish community.
Pay: “Fees differ depending on the intended medium, section and the work in question.”
Submission guidelines: https://forward.com/contact/?
Moment Magazine wants stories for the average person living in the Jewish community.
Pay: Negotiated at time of assignment
Submission guidelines: http://www.momentmag.com/about/submission-guidelines/frequently-asked-questions/
Tricycle believes there is a Buddhist approach to anything and everything. They ask that you send work that reflects your knowledge and interests.
Pay: “We do not have a single standard rate for freelance writers; our contracts vary depending upon a number of factors.”
Submission guidelines: https://tricycle.org/contact/
Lion’s Roar sheds a contemplative light on every part of life – from politics to relationships, money to monasticism. Submissions are accepted for the website, magazine and for Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly
Pay: varies according to assignment
Submission guidelines: https://www.lionsroar.com/submissions/
Hinduism Today is an international quarterly magazine featuring articles that reflect Hindu thought, practices and culture. Story topics and word counts are specified in the writer’s guidelines. Accompanying photo is necessary to go with the story.
Pay: 10 cents per word and $20 for each published photo
Submission guidelines: https://www.hinduismtoday.com/modules/wfchannel/index.php?wfc_cid=7
Freedom’s aim is to seek out and illuminate society’s problems by addressing issues, not politics.
Pay: Varies
Submission guidelines: They are currently looking for investigative reporters and the instructions for contacting them are at https://www.freedommag.org/write.html
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- 14 Paying Faith Markets for Writers By Laura Yeager
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- FAITH-FULL WRITING: Expanding Into the Christian Market By Monica A. Andermann
Greta Burroughs is a freelance journalist trying to make an honest living as a writer. She is also the author of the “Patchwork Dog and Calico Cat” series for children, and the “Wee People” series for middle school age kids. gretaburroughs.weebly.com

QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments

Peek over the shoulders of highly successful freelance writers to see how they earn thousands per article! The query letter is the key!
In these pages, you'll find real query letters that landed real assignments for national magazines, websites, and corporations.
Also includes:
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- and ANGELA HOY'S SECRET for finding ongoing freelance work from companies that have a stable of freelancers, yet never run ads for them!