Published on September 16, 2015
diversify your writing income

I devised a plan to supply my services to lessen these bloggers’ loads while maintaining their sanity. As an “idea person” with endless energy (not to mention a few “Top Blogging” honors for my creativity), I decided to pitch a few fellow bloggers and small business owners to help them generate ideas and keep them on track by formulating Editorial Calendars …
Published on September 9, 2015
diversify your writing income

When you think of writing gigs, crowdfunding campaigns probably don’t come to mind. However, the crowdfunding scene is a market largely untapped by writers. If you can break into it, you can make a nice profit, and help others at the same time …
Published on August 12, 2015
diversify your writing income

With these eight strategies you can boost your freelance career by utilizing the most effective websites and online services to become more accessible, more marketable, more widely read and with a greater chance of landing new clients to generate more money than ever before!
Published on July 15, 2015
diversify your writing income, ghostwriting

If you’re not writing blogs or working in social media, you’re missing out. Is that blunt enough for you?
Published on July 8, 2015
diversify your writing income

Here are eight ways to imagine markets for your writing…and fatten your bank account too.
Published on June 17, 2015
diversify your writing income

I was visiting my elderly neighbor, Agnes, when she handed me a copy of a regional magazine that I was unfamiliar with. She had picked up the free publication at the local hobby store. Agnes was aware that I was a published author. “I thought you might be able to write stories for them,” she said with a smile.
Her granddaughter was visiting with us. “Oh, Grandma,” she scolded. “A free publication is not going to pay writers.”
But, I had no idea if that was true…
Published on June 3, 2015
diversify your writing income

As a writer, you have special skills – and a passion for language, too! Oh, how teachers would love you in their classrooms, inspiring their pupils to write, and guiding them with your expertise!
So how about sharing your specialist knowledge and infectious enthusiasm with the youngsters in your local schools, and building up your earnings as you go?
Published on April 15, 2015
diversify your writing income

If you’re like me, you love to write in part because you love to explore. One of the few things I enjoy as much as exploring new territory in my fiction and nonfiction writing is exploring new places in the world. I love to travel almost as much as I love to write. Years ago, I decided to combine these two passions.
Published on April 8, 2015
diversify your writing income
The problem with editing for a family member is that you generally can’t ask for money…
Published on February 4, 2015
diversify your writing income

Comment marketing. That’s right. You see this “dream client” materialized as a result of a simple, thoughtful comment I placed a while back at another blogger’s site. Impressed and intrigued, he followed my link and the rest is history…