I Moved to a New Country and Became a Features Writer! – By Karen Donald
Moving to Indonesia was a big step…prompting this writer to take more!
Moving to Indonesia was a big step…prompting this writer to take more!
Find out how you can get access to people and events that few others can!
Get paid to scare!!!
Every story has a human interest angle and these publications PAY writers for them!
The year before, we had our two living children pose underneath a picture of their big brother. While looking around for ideas for new and fresh ideas for a card, I got to thinking…
“Did you pay the writers who contributed to to your book, “QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments?” Or, did they simply give them to you?”
After three years of writing fiction, and only earning $25, I switched to nonfiction writing to make a living. Ten years later, I received an $18,000 check for a self-published nonfiction book…
Learn how to finally land that business writing assignment…even if the client is hesitating to commit.
Do you have to be a historian to cash in on writing about the history of your community? Nope!
In this article, I’ll talk about some of the best places where you can find freelance gigs, and how you can land clients that you actually want to work with.