5 Creative, Non-Writing Ways For Writers To Earn Extra Money – By Jennifer Brown Banks

Here are 5 creative ideas to help you earn extra income between writing projects.
Here are 5 creative ideas to help you earn extra income between writing projects.
A writer himself, my dad was tickled when he heard that my essay had won. My older brother, however, wasn’t quite as supportive…
If you can identify a new best-selling book trend in the very beginning, you stand to be one of the early birds on the scene!
What are you passionate about in life that isn’t your current writing niche? You can capitalize on that!
Moving to Indonesia was a big step…prompting this writer to take more!
Find out how you can get access to people and events that few others can!
Get paid to scare!!!
Every story has a human interest angle and these publications PAY writers for them!
The year before, we had our two living children pose underneath a picture of their big brother. While looking around for ideas for new and fresh ideas for a card, I got to thinking…
“Did you pay the writers who contributed to to your book, “QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments?” Or, did they simply give them to you?”