Make Money Writing for the Greeting Card and Gift Book Markets! by John Riddle

I followed the directions from one company, Leap Greetings and, within a week, I had sold my first inspirational verse (less than 30 words) for $75!
I followed the directions from one company, Leap Greetings and, within a week, I had sold my first inspirational verse (less than 30 words) for $75!
Instead of collecting money thru donation jars for your charity, consider publishing and selling a book.
I would love to publish a book of my short stories but I have no idea what the proper steps are…
Cold pitching can be a successful method for gaining new clients – if it’s done right.
I started out just wanting to help the elderly. But, that led to my articles getting published!!
6 tips that you can begin using RIGHT NOW to grow your writing business.
Charging more for my efforts did not result in less work. In fact, my business got better!
Need more writing income? Check out this little known resource!!
When I started tailoring my queries, I was offered $100 blog posts, and $750 projects!
Writing press releases isn’t difficult and the pay can range from $60 to $250 or more PER RELEASE!