Tell YOUR Story to CRACK Writer’s Block By Dennis Peterson

I have written and sold numerous stories from my life. And you can, too!
I have written and sold numerous stories from my life. And you can, too!
Here are five ways clients can leave you, and how to detect it in advance.
I vehemently disagree with the agent that a book won’t sell simply because it’s a memoir.
I have earned thousands of dollars over the years through my award-winning blog and it has made a big difference in my bottom line.You can, too, with a little innovation, information, and inspiration.
Add to your income stream by writing curricular materials for corporate trainers.
I’ve emailed ASCAP, and Sony, who owns the publishing rights, for permission and no one has gotten back to me…
If something goes awry in the government database (which is a question of when, not if), someone searching for your pseudonym could find your home or mailing address, put two and two together…
Don’t be Karen! Research publishing laws BEFORE writing that book!
Surprising my fans and followers with unannounced book releases keeps them riveted and improves my sales.
There are some things you want to avoid if you don’t want an editor reaching for the DELETE button right away. Here’s how to ensure editors READ your queries.