Why Write for Low-paying Magazines When You Can Easily Find PRIVATE CLIENTS on LinkedIn By John Riddle
While writing for magazines is great, another category freelancers should pursue is private clients.
While writing for magazines is great, another category freelancers should pursue is private clients.
From books, to magazines, to conferences, and even a writing coach? Which investments for writers are sensible – and more likely to generate a future profit?
Q – Hi Angela, Each time I start trying to write, ideas and thoughts start to fly around in my head. So, then I start taking separate notes because those ideas don’t fit in the part of the book I’m writing, or aren’t part of writing my book at all. Now, I find I have […]
Even as I steadily moved up the travel writing totem pole, I continued to write for some of the smaller magazines because they offered significant benefits and some offered pretty decent pay despite their size…
Writing reviews is a good way for writers to make extra money!
Later, he claimed he’d already paid for that work but he had not. He always acts happy and appreciates my work until it’s time to pay me…
Are you afraid of someone reading over your shoulder while you’re slowly forming just the right noun, adjective, adverb, punctuation, etc. in an attempt to entertain or inform your future readers? Did you know there’s a word for that?!
As a veteran freelance writer who has successfully marketed and sold everything from books, to blog posts, to online classes on a shoe-string budget, I can attest there is a better way…
I can’t believe it! I am sooooo happy. It finally happened to me! After all these months of traveling through earthquakes, snow and ice storms, freezing temperatures, hurricanes, tornadoes, and the occasional sunny-warm days, I finally got to experience it!
If you want to be a successful freelance writer with an amazing selection of clients who appreciate your work, then you have to stop trying to please your clients at your own expense.