Published on July 2, 2022
author, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing

You do NOT need to submit your final manuscript yet. You can sign up now to take advantage of this sale, and submit your manuscript for formatting later, when YOU are ready.
Published on June 10, 2022
author, self-publishing, traditional publishing

“I’m considering writing to publishers to see if they are interested in my already self-published book. Should I be asking them if…”
Published on May 20, 2022
author, book marketing, Censorship, ghostwriting, Networking, Print on demand, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, social media, storytelling, traditional publishing, worst book proposals and query letters, writing career advice

The publisher would probably LOVE to share the truth with the author, but he/she will not for very valid reasons.
Published on May 12, 2022
legal, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice

THREE THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT PAYPAL: Tax reporting, “holding funds,” and PayPal’s fees
Published on May 12, 2022
author, book marketing, complaints, legal, pod complaints, Print on demand, promoting your writing, self-publishing, traditional publishing

I often hear from authors who want to alert me that their publisher is ripping them off. The emails usually go something like this…
Published on May 3, 2022
author solutions, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing

Archway Publishing is a division of Author Solutions. Often, authors contact many publishing services firms, not realizing that some of those are owned by the same company…
Published on April 15, 2022
author, backstories, book marketing, book signing advice, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, promoting your writing, self-publishing, storytelling, traditional publishing

From refreshments to free give-aways, and so much in between, take these steps to ensure a successful book launch!
Published on April 15, 2022
copyrights, legal, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice

Different countries have different laws about people appearing in photographs.
Published on April 8, 2022
author, book marketing, book signing advice, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, promoting your writing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice

Today, book tours, like everything else, have gone virtual.
Published on April 7, 2022
copyrights, legal, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice

Since I’m not doing this to make money, I don’t need permission to quote from other books, right?