specialty markets for writing

11 Paying Seasonal Markets For Writers + Holiday Money-Making Tips! by Angela Hoy

11 Paying Seasonal Markets For Writers + Holiday Money-Making Tips! by Angela Hoy

While it’s too late to sell Christmas articles to magazines, some websites and blogs may still be interested in your seasonal ideas. As you drink a frothy hot chocolate, feel the warmth of the crackling fireplace, and gaze at candles and twinkle lights, grab a small notebook because it’s the perfect time of year to create a list of seasonal ideas to pitch to magazines, blogs, websites, and book publishers – all year long!

14 Paying Faith Markets for Writers By Laura Yeager

14 Paying Faith Markets for Writers By Laura Yeager

As life brings me more trials, I’ll “digest” them and turn them into spiritual articles and essays for others just trying to get through the day on this difficult path we call life.

God willing.

I encourage you to try your hand at writing for God. Examine your life. Read the Bible–or whatever religious guide to which you aspire. Pray about it. I’m sure He will assist you.

Three Paying Christian Markets For Writers By Julie Guirgis

Three Paying Christian Markets For Writers By Julie Guirgis

After writing for secular publications, I was looking for a new market to tap into. I knew that having a wide net of markets to write for would increase my chance of publication, and add to my income. I turned to writing for the Christian market as it incorporates thousands of publications that touch nearly every aspect of life and faith. With its diversity of markets, often boasting large readerships and broad spectrums of content, the Christian niche presented a wonderful opportunity for me.

9 Paying Feminist Markets For Writers By Shanon Lee

9 Paying Feminist Markets For Writers By Shanon Lee

Do you pen feminist pieces, and need to find a place to sell them? Have you considered charting a new course and writing about feminist issues? From investigative features to personal essays, you can find a home for your feminist writing. In addition to political op-eds, feminist-friendly print and digital publications will pay for features that […]

7 Paying Markets For Theme-Specific Essays! by Barbara Weddle

7 Paying Markets For Theme-Specific Essays! by Barbara Weddle

Writing essays for publications that publish strictly according to specific themes or theme lists can be fun and easier (well, a little easier) than writing for publications that do not. Writing on specific themes takes the guesswork out of what to write ABOUT. For example, CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL (CSS) and LOOKOUT MAGAZINE always […]