
WritersWeekly Investigative Reporter Goes Undercover to Investigate POD Publishers! By Brian Whiddon, a.k.a. “Secret Squirrel”

WritersWeekly Investigative Reporter Goes Undercover to Investigate POD Publishers! By Brian Whiddon, a.k.a. “Secret Squirrel”

GUEST POST FROM BRIAN WHIDDON Brian Whiddon, the new Operations Manager at and, recently went undercover to try to get some hard-to-find answers from some POD publishers. We think you’ll enjoy some chuckles while reading about his experience! At BookLocker, we have a specific set of standards for vetting manuscripts. Unfortunately, not every […]

22 Signs That So-Called “Publisher” is an AUTHOR MILL! By Angela Hoy

22 Signs That So-Called “Publisher” is an AUTHOR MILL! By Angela Hoy

What is an Author Mill? The term was originally coined by Victoria Strauss of Writer Beware. It described publishers that focus on quantity, not quality. However, she limited the term to describing “publishers” that didn’t charge authors up-front fees, but that still published anything and everything, quickly pushing large volumes of sub-standard books onto the market. Unfortunately, many authors later learned that this type of publishing isn’t really “free” at all.

How My Bookstore Signings Led to a Traditional Publishing Contract and Film Consideration! By William Creed

How My Bookstore Signings Led to a Traditional Publishing Contract and Film Consideration! By William Creed

Being self-published, and trying to see your creation become successful, can be a daunting task – especially if you have no one to counsel you. I’ve written several books and have close to a hundred book signings under my belt. The result is a traditional publisher signed me to a multi-book contract, and these books are carried by Barnes and Noble and several other chains now. In addition, my first book is now under consideration by a film company. That’s the good news.

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