


Sometimes you just gotta rant! At, we have published more than 6,000 print and electronic books since 1998. The vast majority of authors we’ve worked with have been professional and pleasant. Many we now consider family! However, every once in awhile, we get a nasty one. It happens in every industry. Not every customer […]

Bigots Need Not Apply! 9 Offensive Ways To Lose A Publishing Contract By Angela Hoy

Bigots Need Not Apply! 9 Offensive Ways To Lose A Publishing Contract By Angela Hoy

This is a an example of the types of emails we occasionally receive from authors. They’re greatly abbreviated, of course. This type of offensive correspondence can, of course, result in a breakdown of negotiations, or not receiving a contract offer at all. And, just because you’ve already been offered a publishing contract doesn’t mean you can’t lose it through bad behavior…

POD SECRETS REVEALED: How Much Do Some POD Publishers Profit from Ingram’s “Channel Distribution” Fees? Plenty! By Angela Hoy

POD SECRETS REVEALED: How Much Do Some POD Publishers Profit from Ingram’s “Channel Distribution” Fees? Plenty! By Angela Hoy

POD Publishers that use Ingram’s printing division to print their books incur an annual fee, which is charged by Ingram for each title/ISBN. Ingram calls this their “Catalog Fee.” It provides: “Access to our worldwide distribution channels (the largest portfolio of wholesalers, distributors and booksellers worldwide).” Basically, this means they send out an automated feed to bookstores that includes all the available titles. It typically costs publishers $12 per year to keep a book in Ingram’s system…

6 Steps To Self-Publishing Success By James Palmer

6 Steps To Self-Publishing Success By James Palmer

Everyone wants to know the “secret sauce,” the precise steps they must take to become a successful self-published author. While there are no hard and fast rules that will work equally for everyone, here are six basic commandments for self-publishing success…

P.O.D. SECRETS REVEALED: “Free” P.O.D. Services Can Be Very Expensive!

P.O.D. SECRETS REVEALED: “Free” P.O.D. Services Can Be Very Expensive!

Tempted to sign up with one of those P.O.D. publishers that are claiming to be FREE? You’ll first need design experience so you can layout a professional book interior, and create a professional cover.
In addition, if you really want to get your book published for “free”, in some cases you can forget about having an ISBN (which online and brick and mortar bookstores as well as libraries require), forget about being distributed by Ingram, the world’s largest book distributor, which distributes book listings to online and physical bookstores across the globe, and forget about a lot of other things as well, including a print proof to check before your book goes to market…

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