Scaring for Pay: 10 Paying Horror Markets for Writers! – By Alex J. Coyne
Get paid to scare!!!
Get paid to scare!!!
Every story has a human interest angle and these publications PAY writers for them!
“We ONLY publish stories about the harvests of world-class animals, 90 percent of which are white-tailed deer scoring 180 or more inches as Typicals or 200+ as Non-typicals. Other stories may revolve around the harvest of most any North American big game trophy, so long as the animal qualifies for one of the major record books.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6-12 months after acceptance. Buys first N.A. rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within 30 days. Guidelines by email.
Pays up to $360 for 1,000 words.
I woke up one day and said, “I want to write humor.” When I sat down at the keyboard, the one-liners and witticisms flew from my fingers like lightning flashes. Now I make tons of money with my laugh-a-second writing.
And if you believe that, I have a boat I’d like to sell you…