Paying Markets for Writers

Writing for Disabilities Magazines By John K. Borchardt

Writing for Disabilities Magazines By John K. Borchardt

I first decided to write articles for magazines targeting disabled readers and their families when reading about the high unemployment rate among people with major disabilities, even highly educated ones. I discovered that there was at least one magazine, Careers and the DisABLED, targeting these disabled readers by publishing articles on job-hunting and inspirational success stories. Later, I became frustrated in trying to sell travel articles in the highly competitive newspaper and travel magazine market. By taking the perspective of a mobility-impaired person on vacation, I was able to break into the travel market with an article in the magazine SPECIALIVING. This magazine targets mobility-impaired readers.

Buckmasters Whitetail Magazine

Buckmasters Whitetail Magazine

“We ONLY publish stories about the harvests of world-class animals, 90 percent of which are white-tailed deer scoring 180 or more inches as Typicals or 200+ as Non-typicals. Other stories may revolve around the harvest of most any North American big game trophy, so long as the animal qualifies for one of the major record books.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6-12 months after acceptance. Buys first N.A. rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within 30 days. Guidelines by email.

Pays up to $360 for 1,000 words.

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