Published on January 27, 2022
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, legal, libel
MORE: The feds are hiring writers to create future court testimony for government officials; The latest books that are victims of cancel culture; Ha ha ha! Actress’ fans sue for $5M because she was cut from a movie; CNN says Sarah Palin vs. New York Times trial will be “excruciating” for the paper; Amazon driver faces off with a bear!; ABBA settles lawsuit with stupid band that used their name; NYC professors sue over “anti-Semitic” Union; Author commits suicide after pedophilia accusations and then people burned his books at his grave; and Major booksellers accused of selling anti-Semitic book that was plagiarized from other sources.
Published on January 21, 2022
amazon, author scams, copyrights, legal, libel
MORE: NPR accused of reporting false story about Supreme Court; Musicians are earning millions selling their music catalogs; A political tome about American elites helping China contains 1,093 endnotes and NO unnamed sources; How to detect manipulative reporting; Former NY Post editor-in-chief sued; Be careful when posting links with embedded images!; Peruvian court convicts author AND publisher; Family of Amazon delivery driver sues after tornado death at warehouse; Should publishers be forced to sell ebooks to libraries?; and Authors win millions from ebook pirate…but may never collect.
Published on December 10, 2021
author, book marketing, copyrights, legal, libel, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
It’s pretty pathetic when a company is happy to take hundreds or thousands of dollars from you, knowing all the while that YOU might get sued some day for something you included in your book…
Published on December 3, 2021
author, copyrights, legal, write that book, writing career advice
An article that has the exact same title as my book. Can I sue?
Published on November 26, 2021
amazon, Censorship, copyrights
MORE: 54-page manuscript sells for $13M; Amazon wages secret war on our privacy; If you leave a poor online review for a hotel, they might kick you out in the middle of the night; Is lawsuit against author and publisher a SLAPP?; Small publisher sues Elizabeth Warren for encouraging censorship; and publisher sues prosecutor after being cleared of crime
Published on November 4, 2021
Censorship, copyrights, libel
MORE: Author and hero who refused to hide cause of Challenger disaster dies; Feds sue to stop big publishing merger; Apple loses $1.87 lawsuit in China (why do they keep doing business there?!); UK may jail Internet trolls; Mark Zuckerberg personally approved censorship of Facebook posts; and Public figures don’t get to spew whatever they want without fear of lawsuits.
Published on October 29, 2021
copyrights, legal, Networking, self-publishing
The publisher may be planning to do something more with your illustrations than you would want.
Published on October 21, 2021
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, legal
MORE: Politicians are rewriting headlines for articles they DID NOT WRITE!; Media is kind to terrorists in obituaries?!; Woman used obituaries to target homes for burglary; Lawmakers say Amazon misled or lied to them; Pastor refuses judge’s order to say specific words to his congregation; Apple is helping to kill religious freedoms; and Firefighter releases book about losing his job and his battle for religious freedom
Published on October 8, 2021
copyrights, legal, libel
MORE: Google profiting from news without paying for the journalism? Celebrity sued for posting pictures of herself; Potential liabilities for Facebook in Australia; Man receives $175K after woman calls him rapist online, and contacts his employer; Chinese Covid journalist who disappeared for 600 days has resurfaced; Prophet Muhammad cartoonist killed; Pearson sued Chegg for copyright infringement; Doctor loses lawsuit against newspaper; and Do some researchers consider copyrights “inconvenient?”
Published on October 1, 2021
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, Fake News
California to limit Amazon’s work quotas; Several large magazines up for sale; Did you miss banned book week? So did we!;
YouTube accounts subject to fake copyright infringement accusations; More on Internet Archive lawsuit; and ACLU apologizes after altering deceased supreme court justice’s quote to fit ACLU’s narrative.