How to Sell Books on Consignment to Bookstores and Other Retailers

Here’s how to offer a consignment deal to bookstores.
Here’s how to offer a consignment deal to bookstores.
Don’t even WORK with a publisher who upsells authors on these kinds of (bleep)…
Good covers sell. Bad covers not only don’t attract customers, but can actively annoy.
With lockdowns dashing plans for my book rollout, I had to come up with new marketing strategies. Creativity can overcome adversity in difficult times.
Bookstores have a long history of ordering too many books, and then returning them for credit or a refund, often damaged, bent, and/or dirty, and at the expense of the publisher (or self-published author). At other times, the books are simply destroyed (or sold to a big salvage bookstore), again, at the expense of the publisher or self-published author. Bookstores, like other retailers, should be financially responsible for their own sales forecasts. Period. I just can’t find anything in the “returns” equation where the publisher or author should be financially responsible for a bookstore’s poor estimation of sales…
I received an unsolicited phone call from a senior marketing consultant at a company that displays books at book fairs. She said her company was only taking 10 books to a book fair in Europe and they chose mine…
After undercutting them, Amazon to teach third party sellers how to “succeed”; Amazon drivers laid off even as that business grows; Newspaper offices permanently switching to “work from home”
MORE: Indie bookstores and industry leaders furious at Amazon for violating book embargo (if you don’t know what that is, read this!); If you get your morning paper in your undies, you probably do NOT want a free doorbell from Amazon; MSNBC sued for outrageous allegation; “Almost Everything About Goodreads Is Broken;” Politician sues CBS and we’re betting that gets thrown out of court. And, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, MISS THIS AWESOME OBITUARY!
As we all know, books are a very popular holiday gift idea! Don’t you want as many people as possible to unwrap YOUR book on the morning of December 25th? What do you need to do TODAY to make that happen?
Why would Amazon stock print-on-demand books?