I’m a superhero and paranormal junkie, watching shows like Arrow, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow faithfully. I’ve never missed an episode and, for a long time, I lamented that if I could get paid for watching these shows, I wouldn’t feel like I was wasting time when I could be making money.
In early 2016, I stumbled upon a website for movie fans, thinking I could write about my favorite shows and, at the very least, potentially interest some viewers in my novels. What I thought was a hobby turned into a way to make substantial money after I learned the site was accepting paid writers.
From April 2016 to October 2017, I wrote over 350 articles for that site. When it changed its structure, I transferred my articles and my love of writing a website for T.V. show fans where I continue to earn money. In addition, those articles I’d written for the movie site earned additional income from readers of the T.V. site.
I also applied and was accepted to write for an entertainment website in January 2018, which allowed me to write news articles that revolved around celebrities (as well as some crime articles). At that point, I was earning more writing about movies, T.V., and entertainment than I was from my book royalties!
The sites helped me grow my audience of book readers and I was fortunate enough to get several articles retweeted by celebrities, which attracted even more interest in my books. But, the one thing that really works for me (and can work for you) is, because I write paranormal and fantasy, I share links to my articles in my writing and book marketing. It’s a way to let readers see a different side of me. Plus, I have gained even more readers after sharing the articles on social media. They see what I like on television and we connect on Twitter and Facebook to talk about our shows.
For example, perhaps you write paranormal romance, and love Midnight, Texas. The connection to your readers is evident and you have more to share with them! Sure, you could post your comments on your blog, but why not try to sell those as articles to paying markets for writers instead? It really is a win-win situation.
Along with getting paid, you can build up an audience of fans for your blog who look forward to what you have to say. It will help new readers find you and you will be tapping into a network of millions of fans who may not know anything about you yet.
How I Get Paid to Watch, and Write About, Television Shows By Kimberly Stempel
Copyright Law Basics For Fan Fiction Authors By Harvey Randall, Esq.
My Transition from Features Writer to Creating Television Treatments By Karen Donald
Your Book As a Movie? Watch Out for Snake Oil Salesmen!
HOW MY BOOK BECAME A LIFETIME MOVIE! The Secret S*x Life of a Single Mom By Delaine Moore
Rachel Carrington has written over 50 novels and dozens of articles for magazines. She has been writing about her favorite television shows since 2016. You can visit her on the web at https://www.rachelcarrington.com.

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