
The Horn Book Magazine

The Horn Book Magazine
56 Roland St., Ste. 200
Boston MA 02129

Phone: (617)628-0225

Editor: Cynthia Ritter, Assistant Editor.
Email address:

About The Publication:

“Established 1924, The Horn Book Magazine is a bimonthly publication covering children’s literature for librarians, booksellers, professors, teachers and students of children’s literature.” 75% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 8K. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms four months after acceptance. Buys print and digital rights. No reprints. Responds within three months. Sample copy available by email. Subscription $72, $89 CDN, $93 other. Pays $100-$200 for up to 2000 words.

Current Needs:

“Nonfiction interviews with children’s book authors and illustrators, topics of interest to the children’s book world.” Submit query by mail or email.

Pays $100-$200 for up to 2000 words.



“Writers have a better chance of breaking into our publication with a query letter on a specific article they want to write. “Cadenza” submissions – witty commentaries, send-ups, poems, sketches, comics, cartoons, etc. – should be approximately 350 words (text) or fit on a 6-by-9-inch page (art). Potential contributors are advised to have a solid familiarity with The Horn Book Magazine before submitting manuscripts. The magazine does not publish fiction, nor does it publish work by children.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes