OutLook by the Bay
210 Legion Ave #6805
Annapolis MD 21401
Website: https://www.OutLookbytheBay.com
Guidelines: https://www.outlookbythebay.com/writer-guidelines/
Email address: OutLookbytheBay@aol.com
About The Publication:
“Chesapeake Bay regional publication, targeting active Bay Boomers (seniors 55+).” Circ. 18K. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1-2 months after acceptance. Buys First NA rights. Accepts reprints, if allowed by previous publication. Responds in two weeks.
Pays $25
Current Needs:
“Articles of approximately 750 words that focus on the interests and needs of adults over 55. Memoir not accepted.” Pays flat fee of $25/article. “Most of our writers are retired and submit articles as they enjoy the research and want to stay actively involved.” Submit complete ms with contact information per the guidelines.
Pays flat fee of $25/article
Welcomes New Writers:
Thanks for referral Angela, that’s my story, washing away, on cover.
That’s AWESOME, Robert!!! Congrats!!!! 🙂