Lion Magazine
300 W. 22nd Street
Oak Brook IL 60523
Phone: (630)468-6805
Website: https://www.lionmagazine.org
Editor: Jay Copp, Matt Nicholson, Editors.
Email address: jay.copp@lionsclubs.org
About The Publication:
“We carry stories and photos of Lions’ service projects and Lions’ activities.” 30% freelance. Welcomes new authors. Pays 30 days after publication. Publishes ms after four months. Buys all rights. Accepts reprints. Responds after 2 weeks to queries. Email editor for sample of magazine. Subscriptions for members of Lions clubs and receive the magazine as part of their dues. Guidelines by email.
Pays $0.50-$1.00/word. Features run from 1,500-3,000 words.
Current Needs:
“Heartwarming stories about club projects.” Pays $0.50-$1.00/word. Features run from 1,500-3,000 words. Submit query or complete ms per the guidelines.
Pays $0.50-$1.00/word. Features run from 1,500-3,000 words.
“High quality, high-res jpegs are welcomed.” Pay varies
“Don’t send us a non-Lion related story. It may be a story that appeals to Lions but it has to have a Lions’ focus.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes