Letters and Comments about BLOGGERS BEWARE: Re-writing “News” Can Get You Sued…for Libel – 03/13/19

Letters and Comments about BLOGGERS BEWARE: Re-writing “News” Can Get You Sued…for Libel – 03/13/19

Comment On: How to Get Video and Podcast Interviews to Promote Your Book!

I have been wanting to get on more podcasts, since I’ve really enjoy being interviewed on a few since my book launched. I stopped by your site and Bam – there’s an article to help. That has happened so many times with Writers Weekly! I’ve probably used fifty of your suggestions over the last few years. I thought for once I would reach out and say thanks – you are providing valuable resources in a sea of misinformation. As a debut novelist, it was key. Keep up the good work! Joanell Serra

– Joanell Serra ( Joanells@comcast.net )

Comments On: BLOGGERS BEWARE: Re-writing “News” Can Get You Sued…for Libel

Hi Angela: Really good information you gave here. I’m a former newspaper reporter and now I write for an investigative reporting organization. My big gripe has been about what is called “Citizen journalists.” Sorry, this doesn’t fly. These are people with no training who most likely are publishing just one side of a story. A trained journalist knows you must get several points of view, then report it. The only way to re-publish a story is to publish it in full, and, here is the important piece: Cite the source. In some ways, this is done on Facebook (or the horror). Or Twitter or whatever. You are correct, if you were not there, you have nothing to add. If you find the piece interesting, then republish it and source it.

Geri Spieler


I think you meant “republish it with permission.” 🙂



Your article reminded me of an incident where I was the only reporter in a courtroom, writing for a small, weekly newspaper. A man charged with the murder of his niece was attacked by another relative before the hearing had even begun.

I wrote about the incident. (http://www.menastar.com/news/article_a540942e-905e-11e4-8ad3-af27c2ae057c.html) Within a couple of hours, I was seeing rewritten versions popping up not only from publications in the United States, but overseas, as well. They wrote it like they were there witnessing it firsthand. I didn’t have a problem with it, but it was an odd sensation.


Your employer could have sued them all for copyright infringement.



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I admire any writer who wants to tackle a blind character. But so many writers take up this challenge and FAIL. They research blindness by reading other fiction books, by observing their blind colleagues and acquaintances, and by tying on a blindfold and pretending to be blind themselves.

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