As entrepreneurs, we have to make sure we’re ranked higher in the social media algorithm system so our content is shown to more people organically. Social media algorithms rank videos higher than photos and text posts because users of the platform engage with videos on a more frequent basis, and spend more time on the platform as a result. This means that, as authors, our goal needs to be to incorporate video into our social media posting strategy. But, how do we go about getting video interviews, and not just rely solely on our own content?
If you’re just starting out in the world of being interviewed, you’re going to find that you’ll be working with other people who are just starting out as well. Often times, this is a growing experience for you both. You can connect with interviewers in entrepreneurial groups on Facebook, put a call out to fans to interview you on Instagram Live, or team up with other authors to do live broadcast interviews on Facebook or Instagram.
Once you’ve built up a backlist of smaller interviews, you can start reaching out to more popular interviewers. Start following these people on social media and interacting with them for a few weeks before you ask to be on their show. You need to do your research, and study Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram for shows that do live interviews. You can also search for podcasts that host authors.
While researching, don’t just look for book world interviews. Spend time looking in related areas. Have a fairy-tale retelling? Look for fairy-tale enthusiasts. Have a mermaid book? Look for a mermaid talk show. Don’t forget to also look into business shows where you discuss being an entrepreneur or running your own business (which is what you do if you’re an author, whether you’re traditionally published or self-published.)
When approaching people who interview authors, be very specific. Don’t just ask them to interview you but, instead, point out why you like their show, and how you could be beneficial to their audience. Let them know what you have to offer, and why you’d be a good fit. Give them all the information they need so it’s an easy yes for them. Don’t ever make them work to learn more about you.
If I were to approach a group about an interview, it would look something like this:
Hi _____,
My name is K.M. Robinson, and I’ve been watching/listening to your show now for a few weeks. I love how you do (something they do on air) and I wanted to approach you about an opportunity to work together. I’m a fairy-tale re-tellings author and I have a book about Goldilocks that I think your audience might really enjoy. I’d love to come on your show to discuss (list of one to three topics that might be a good fit…ex: why Goldilocks is so often ignored, how to create a dark, deadly twist to an otherwise light fairy-tale, or how this book hit #7 in all of Amazon).
If you’re interested in collaborating, I’d love to chat about times that might work for you and I’d be happy to offer a giveaway to your audience as well. Below are my social media links, website, and past interviews for you to take a look at if you’d like.
Thanks so much for your consideration and I’m looking forward to your next episode!
Have a great day!
If they respond, be as helpful as possible. Make it easy as possible for them to set up the interview and host you. Interviewers talk and, if you’re a good interviewee, you’ll likely end up with additional interviews with their industry colleagues.
In most cases, it takes a little work to set up interviews but, after you put the initial legwork in, it will be easier to find additional places to get interviewed. It also helps if you’re also hosting interviews on your platforms as well so that you’re giving as much as you’re receiving from this. It also helps your algorithm standing to host your own interviews.
Pair up with book bloggers, book-tubers, and other authors to begin with. Small interviews are still interviews and they’ll lead to more opportunities in the future. Every single time you participate in an interview, promote it as much as possible on your social media pages. If you drive traffic back to the interviewer, they’re likely to do more work with you in the future. Don’t forget to keep their audience in mind, and tailor your communications and the interview to what works for that audience. The more mindful you are, the easier it will be for them to say yes in the future.
Know of any great places that take authors on for interviews? Use the comment box below to shout out your favorite channels, platforms, podcasts, and talk shows so that we can create a running list of platforms we can all contact for doing interviews.
Are you a Y.A. author? KM Robinson runs Young Adult Edition, a weekly live broadcast talk show and she’s always happy to talk to potential new guest stars. Find more info at: kmrobinsonbooks.com/kmr/on-air
Ask Angela About Self-Publishing Angela is the Publisher of WritersWeekly.com and co-owner
of the POD firm BookLocker.com. Got questions? Ask Angela about Print On Demand and Self-publishing. Have a POD Book with another publisher? See if BookLocker can give you a better deal. (BookLocker offers "disgruntled author discounts" to those who want to move from other POD services.) Follow BookLocker on Facebook to keep track of self-publishing news and marketing resources. |