Comments and Letters About: Karen Wasted a Year Writing a Book She CAN’T Publish. DON’T BE KAREN!
Just how stupid can someone be? Beyond understanding.
– Anonymous
Hi Ang!
Thanks to you and your firm for the high level of ethics that pervades BookLocker. It is truly a joy working with you.
Zack Carden (author of A MEMORABLE THING)
You have given honest, straightforward, do’s and don’ts in the publishing world — as I often have read in here.
Would-be authors should simply say ‘Thank You’ from the bottom of their hearts and not hand you verbiage.
Our entertainment attorney is brutally honest and expensive. Your statement (real a** saving words) came free of charge.
– Wendy
I’ll add some additional advice. A friend of my wanted to do what this author did, include in her book someone else’s emails without the bother of getting permission from him. She even had a lawyer tell her that’d be OK. I had to tell her that was utterly wrong.
If you need advice about copyright issues, consult a lawyer that specializes in the field not just any lawyer.
– Michael W. Perry, medical writer
When I wrote An Eye In Shadows, I only named the guilty and didn’t name family but I had to name the real locations and real publishing outfits because they related the rape scandal played up in 1993 and my classmate committing murder in 1993 then tried in 1994. I wrote the book ultimately in the spring of 2007 then published the summer of 2007. I revised it once in 2008 then again in 2014 to keep with the revisions. This one never written creative nonfiction or had the means to get it out there.
– Nickolaus Pacione
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Writing is a constant dialogue between author and reader.
The craft of writing involves an interchange of emotions between an author and a reader. An author creates a story line, conflict, and characters, gives his characters words to speak, and then hands off these materials to a reader. This process results in a constant dialogue between the mental imagery produced by a reader and that proposed by the author.
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