Since 1987, has provided freelance job listings, paying markets, industry news, articles focused on how to make more money writing, thousands of warnings about bad actors in the writing and publishing communities, and so much more.
WritersWeekly has, and always will be, completely free. And, WritersWeekly has never accepted paid advertisements.
WritersWeekly has received numerous lawsuit threats over the years from scammers we’ve exposed through our research and reporting to our readers. In fact, we just received a new one just today!
We are currently researching international crime cartels that are aggressively pursuing unwary authors (and others). The job is too large for us to do alone. We currently have three volunteers working with us, and we are asking for more. Also, please consider donating to our researchers. Any donations we receive until the investigation is complete (it is expected to take months) will 100% be distributed to our researchers.
You can donate through Our Paypal ID is:
NOTE: Your donation is not tax deductible. We are not a non-profit.
Thank you!! 🙂
Angela Hoy, Publisher
UPDATE! Thank you, Tom Lovett, for being the first donor! He sent $100 for our researchers! Tom is the author of:
- Select Quotations on the Art of Living
- Creating Beautiful Lives: The Ideal Way of Life – A Reunion of Art, Science, and Religion
- EXTREME AUTHOR ALERT – PART I: This International Scam is Fooling THOUSANDS of Authors Across the Globe!
- EXTREME AUTHOR ALERT – PART II: 19 Signs You’re About to Get Scammed By a Foreign “Book Publisher”
- EXTREME AUTHOR ALERT – PART III: How WritersWeekly Communicates Directly with Deceitful “Publishers” to Expose Their Appalling Practices
- EXTREME AUTHOR ALERT – PART IV: WARNINGS about, Book Publishing HQ, Author Book Creators, Author Books Publisher, AMZ Publishing Firm, and McMillan Book Publishers (the fake one), AND MORE!
- EXTREME AUTHOR ALERT – PART V: Do NOT Hire ANY Publisher That is Running Paid Ads on Facebook Right Now!
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.