Published on February 27, 2025
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“America’s first and foremost publication for white-tailed deer hunters and enthusiasts. Behavior, biology and scientific research.” Welcomes new writers. Publishes 11 issues a year. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 6 months of acceptance. Buys all rights. Occasionally accepts reprints. Responds within two weeks. Request sample PDF by email. Guidelines online.
Pays $300-$700/article of 1,200-2,500 words
Published on October 23, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Founded in 1975, Trapper & Predator Caller is the leading source of practical, comprehensive information for North American fur harvesters. Each issue is packed with feature articles by North America’s most knowledgeable trappers and predator callers. T&PC provides the most thorough wild fur market report in North America and informs readers about vital industry trends. Published 10 times each year — January, February, March, April-May, June-July, August, September, October, November and December — T&PC provides current, practical information for fur trappers, animal-control workers and predator callers. Each issue also contains up-to-date reports from state trapping association partners across the country.” 75% Freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays 45 days after publication. Publishes ms one year after acceptance. Buys all rights. Responds 2-5 weeks.
Pays $250 for feature story and photos up to 2500 words.
Published on March 23, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Turkey Call is dedicated to the education and entertainment of members of the National Wild Turkey Federation, a nonprofit conservation organization committed to its mission of conserving the wild turkey population and preserving our hunting heritage. The lifestyle of the outdoorsman/woman is our focus, particularly that of the wild Turkey hunter and conservationist. JAKES Country is an educational publication of the nonprofit National Wild Turkey Federation, Inc., dedicated to involving youth in conversation, and passing on the North American hunting tradition.” Pays upon publication. Buys First NA Rights. Rarely accepts reprints, depends on impact of subject. Response time varies. Call for queries sent between May and June. Guidelines available by email.
Pays 30-40 cents per word. Departments 300-500 words with photos ($200-300). Features 750-1,200 words ($350-500) with photos.
Published on January 25, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“First published in 1984, Bugle magazine is one of the top conservation and hunting publications in North America. Distributed six times annually to RMEF members, the journal of Elk Country and the Hunt is the source of all things elk: hunting stories, tips and gear; the hows and whys of elk behavior; wildlife conservation and elk ecology; and natural history all while featuring stellar wildlife and landscape photography.” Bimonthly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within 6 months of acceptance. Buys First N.A. Rights. Occasionally accepts reprints. Responds within three weeks. Guidelines available online.
Pays $0.30/word and up.
Published on May 25, 2023
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“We ONLY publish stories about the harvests of world-class animals, 90 percent of which are white-tailed deer scoring 180 or more inches as Typicals or 200+ as Non-typicals. Other stories may revolve around the harvest of most any North American big game trophy, so long as the animal qualifies for one of the major record books.” Welcomes new writers. Six issues per year. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6-12 months after acceptance. Buys first N.A. rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within 30 days. Guidelines by email.
Pays up to $360.
Published on January 7, 2015
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“We ONLY publish stories about the harvests of world-class animals, 90 percent of which are white-tailed deer scoring 180 or more inches as Typicals or 200+ as Non-typicals. Other stories may revolve around the harvest of most any North American big game trophy, so long as the animal qualifies for one of the major record books.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6-12 months after acceptance. Buys first N.A. rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within 30 days. Guidelines by email.
Pays up to $360 for 1,000 words.