Trapper and Predator Caller
700 E State St
Iola WI 54990
Phone: (715)445-4612
Fax: (715)445-4087
Website: https://www.trapperpredatorcaller.com/
Editor: Chris Berens
Email address: Chris.Berens-at-Media360LLC-dot-com
About The Publication:
“Founded in 1975, Trapper & Predator Caller is the leading source of practical, comprehensive information for North American fur harvesters. Each issue is packed with feature articles by North America’s most knowledgeable trappers and predator callers. T&PC provides the most thorough wild fur market report in North America and informs readers about vital industry trends. Published 10 times each year — January, February, March, April-May, June-July, August, September, October, November and December — T&PC provides current, practical information for fur trappers, animal-control workers and predator callers. Each issue also contains up-to-date reports from state trapping association partners across the country.” 75% Freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays 45 days after publication. Publishes ms one year after acceptance. Buys all rights. Responds 2-5 weeks.
Pays $250 for feature story and photos up to 2500 words.
Current Needs:
“Our editorial goal is to inform, educate and entertain our readers with articles, photographs and illustrations that promote trapping and predator calling. Highest consideration will be given to stories focused on methods and equipment used in trapping or predator calling. We also accept historical pieces, personality profiles and unusual experience stories.” Pays $250 for feature story and photos up to 2500 words. Submit query by email.
Pays $250 for feature story and photos up to 2500 words.
“Photographs are required with submissions. Good photography can mean the difference between acceptance and rejection. We prefer to run photos of people in action. For example, a picture of a man removing a mink from a trap is more desirable than a shot of a smiling man posed with the animal. We encourage you to take posed photos with the catch, but also try some action shots in the field. We prefer high-resolution digital photos or slides, but sharply focused prints are acceptable. Digital photos should be saved as high-resolution tiff or jpeg file formats on a DVR or a CD. File-size compression should allow the file to maintain a minimum of 300 pixels per square inch when re-sized or edited in any fashion to actual image sizes of 11 inches by 17 inches for horizontal images, and 8.5 inches by 11 inches for vertical images. Please include your name and contact information on any CD or DVR you send for consideration, as well as on any included contact sheets. Please also send detailed information for each photo. Photos submitted with feature stories are accepted as a package. Payment for photos we accept individually vary from $50 to $200.”
“Check your facts. An error in fact reduces the credibility of the magazine and hurts your relationship with us. Please double check spelling, dates, proper names, etc.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes