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Author Backstory: Angela Hoy, author of 23 books

Author Backstory: Angela Hoy, author of 23 books

Would you like to share YOUR Author Backstory with our readers? Read the details at the bottom of RIGHT HERE.  I am the author of 23 books and the publisher of more than 10,000 print and electronic titles (through my company, I am also the publisher of, one of the oldest and most respected […]

Book Backstory: DON’T CUT ME AGAIN! True Stories About Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) by Angela Hoy

Book Backstory: DON’T CUT ME AGAIN! True Stories About Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) by Angela Hoy

(My apologies to the men reading this…) 😉 At the age of 35, after 3 successful vaginal births, I was lying on a hospital bed in Bangor, Maine, enormously pregnant with what would be my largest baby, by far. Later, I was squatting on the floor. Then, I was bouncing on a big, red, rubber ball. Then, I was back in the bed. From bed, to squatting, to ball, back and forth, again and again. And, then I was begging for drugs…

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