Q –
I’m 15 years old. I’ve read your writer’s guidelines and I’d love to send you some article ideas. However, I don’t know if you have an age limit. I’ve been rejected by some magazines because of my age. Would you be willing to work with me if you like any of my article ideas?
Thank you,
A –
The fact that you actually read our writer’s guidelines already puts you far ahead of the pack! You would not BELIEVE how many queries we receive on a daily basis from people who have not read our guidelines. I can also see that you have good writing, capitalization, and punctuation skills and that you are very professional. All of this means that you will probably go far in this profession. Great job!
In the United States, minors (anyone under the age of 18) can’t execute a contract. So, your parent or legal guardian would need to agree to our terms if we like any of your ideas. It’s a simple email contract. Be very wary of magazines and websites who try to convince you to write for free just because you’re not yet 18. We pay ALL of our writers, regardless of age.
Thank you for taking the time to check with us about any age limits. I very much look forward to receiving your future queries!
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