Jack and Jill Magazine
P.O. Box 88928
Indianapolis IN 46208
Website: http://www.uskidsmags.com/magazines/jack-and-jill
Guidelines: http://www.uskidsmags.com/writers-guidelines
Editor: Jennifer Burnham, Senior Editor
Email address: jackandjill@saturdayeveningpost.org
About The Publication:
“Jack and Jill is an award-winning magazine for children ages 6-12. It promotes the healthy educational and creative growth of children through interactive activities and articles. The pages are designed to spark a child’s curiosity in a wide range of topics through articles, games, and activities.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms several months after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds in 3 months.
Pays $0.25/word.
Current Needs:
“Fiction; profiles on kids who are making a difference in the world/their communities.” Pays $0.25/word for 600-1,200 words. “Can submit complete ms, but not required. Must include SASE if you want a response and/or your manuscript returned. (We only reach out to writers when interested in using their work, so you must include SASE if you want a response.)”
Pays $0.25/word for 600-1,200 words
“Must be able to provide hi-res photos of kid interviewees if pitching a kid profile.”
“Writers should be pitching story ideas, not topics. For example, don’t say that you want to write about plastic straw bans. Instead, find some kids who are involved with this cause and explain that you want to write about what they’ve been doing — what inspired them to become involved? What steps have they taken so far? What impact have they had, etc.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes
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