Cadet Quest
P1333 Alger St SE
Grand Rapids MI 49507
Website: http://about.calvinistcadets.org/cadet-quest-magazine
Guidelines: https://calvinistcadets.org/wp-content/uploads/Quest-Guidelines.pdf
Email address: submissions@CalvinistCadets.org
About The Publication:
“Cadet Quest is a 24-page magazine for boys ages 9 – 14. It is a Christian-oriented magazine for members of a Christian youth organization known as the Calvinist Cadet Corps. Boys from many Protestant denominations make up the Cadet Quest’s audience. Our purpose is to show how God is at work in the lives of boys and in the world around them. We have worked with new writers in the past and would do so in the future if their work fits our themes.” 7 issues/year. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within 1 year of acceptance. Guidelines online
Pays $0.05-0.08/word for 900-1300 words (fiction) and 700-1200 words (articles).
Current Needs:
Queries. Publishes fiction, non-fiction, project/hobby articles, cartoons & puzzles, and illustrations. Pays $0.05-0.08/word for 900-1300 words (fiction) and 700-1200 words (articles). Submit complete ms with cover letter by mail with SASE or by email (copy manuscript into body of email — attachments will not be opened).
Pays $0.05-0.08/word for 900-1300 words (fiction) and 700-1200 words (articles).
Cartoons, puzzles, photos and Illustrations. Pays $5-$15 for cartoons, and $5 per photo.
“Active adventure combined with humor. Please don’t send the same old, same old… river rescues, boys lost, boy saving his family during a crisis, etc. Have a Christian basis for what is being done, not just that the kid is being a good kid. Please make your stories fun to read, and realistic. Fiction should fit our current themes. We are always looking for articles on Christians making a mark in this world – sports, music, and volunteer work. Things that make a difference to people around them.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes