Comments on How I Earn Extra Cash as an “Idea Broker!” (And, you can too!)
Thank you for clarifying a bit on this-the overall job would be a “content strategist.” Though that implies you do the calendar, after doing SEO research, business goals research and then write it up. That’s what I offer, but I actually never thought of only creating the calendar! I just assumed writing the content would be the final piece.
Though as you said we should really stress the value to the client: that you are providing content titles based on all the background work required. Yep, it’s nice as it does give a break to writing content, yet uses one’s creativity, which is always a plus.
– Viv
Yes, people are always in need of services, and if a writer can do the leg work while earning money, I consider that a race won. Thanks for your insight.
– Linda O’Connell
Something I oughta try. Thanks for the really good idea!
Ebony Johnson
Jen, this is proof that you can indeed get paid to think.
– Ms. Marcie
How I Earn Extra Cash as an “Idea Broker!” (And, you can too!)
Do You Have More Book Ideas Than Time to Write? Me, Too!!
Where to Find the Best Article Ideas!
Comments on PART III – The Romantic History of WritersWeekly and BookLocker
Welcome to Florida! We are from NH ( not far from your home in MA), and are very familiar with your homestead in Maine. Although you have had issues with your Florida residence (which is no surprise to us), you have found Florida to be a fabulous place to call home. We only make Florida home for part of the year but absolutely L.O.V.E. it there!
– Janet B.
Lol! Gotta love real estate fiascoes. I remember when Ali(?) And Frank got into their accidents, one right after another. I thought, ‘Wow, that’s my luck!’, and then both my boys did similarly. I also remeber your RV tales. I learned a lot about living and working on the road from those. Thanks.
– mrsd
PART I – The Romantic History of WritersWeekly and BookLocker
PART II – The Romantic History of WritersWeekly and BookLocker
PART III – The Romantic History of WritersWeekly and BookLocker
PART IV – The Romantic History of WritersWeekly and BookLocker