
Where Can I Find Paying Markets?

Do you guys know of any places where I can write online and make money for my articles, while retaining copyright?

My Success Story By Josie Schneider

Four months after posting my profile on LinkedIn, I was contacted by an internet media company. The professional-sounding message basically said, “We urgently need a freelance writer with a background in window treatments.”

Abbreviated Issue

I had minor, out-patient surgery on Tuesday afternoon so this week’s issue is abbreviated.
Big hugs to all,
P.S. I want to “follow” you!
Using Angela’s MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years, and record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook. Using the memory notebook as your outline, write your autobiography! **Also works for biographies and memoirs.**

Blabbermouth Your Book By Susan Sundwall

Early this year, I got the wonderful news that my mystery was found suitable for publication. One reason was the marketing plan I’d submitted with my query letter and first three chapters. In that plan, I outlined the steps I intended to take before and after my publication date…

Out of Print Books Still for Sale on Amazon?

I checked my out-of-print books at Amazon and the print versions are still “available”. However, their message to customers is that there is only one copy left, and on backorder. If there is only one copy left, where’s the money for the other ones? How are they sold? In batches? I’m not getting anything because my book is out-of-print, so where’s the money going to?

The Personal Touch Still Works By Lynn I. Almer

My writing career has varied from writing environmental impact statements to science-based activities for children. In 2001, I decided to explore writing children’s books. I had no formal training in this area so I hopped on my bicycle and rode to my public library. My education began by reading magazines and books about the craft of writing. After attending a one-day writer’s workshop that introduced children’s magazines and the variety of children’s books, I knew I wanted to be a picture book author.

Happy Birthday!!

We were going to send the issue out early (yesterday) but that didn’t happen. It would have happened if the toilet and the shower hadn’t backed up simultaneously, leading to much arm waving and head scratching and plunging (both toilet and shower). That led to an emergency call to the plumber, who came out, fixed it, and then showed me a nice catalog with brand new toilets that aren’t rusted out and that don’t use three gallons of water with every flush. Sold!!