At WritersWeekly.com, we’ve had a SERIOUS shortage of feature articles lately. Some weeks, we have no feature to run at all! At the same time, we are getting tons of query letters from people who: 1. have never read our guidelines; 2. have obviously never even read an issue of WritersWeekly (why would we be interested in an article on how to breed kangaroos?!); 3. can’t even remotely speak or write proper English, or; 4. their English is okay but they have serious spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar deficits. For examples, click HERE.
Most of the other queries we receive are for the same topics that have been recycled on industry websites over and over and over again for years. B-O-R-I-N-G!
Here’s what we want:
Short yet specific query letters (they shouldn’t be more than 2-3 paragraphs) that pitch unique, great ideas on how writers can make more money writing. These can include offering writing services that most have never considered before. How about some ideas on products writers can create and sell? We’re always keen on articles that feature category-specific links to the writer’s guidelines of paying markets for writers. Examples: paying markets for business writers; paying markets for travel writers; paying markets for parenting writers; etc. (Of course, the markets must all pay writers respectable wages.)
Here’s what we do NOT want:
Please do not offer to write a regular column for us. We don’t have regular columnists.
Please do not offer to be a “guest blogger.”
Please do not offer to write “guests posts.”
Please do not send a letter or resume with no article ideas at all. We don’t hire people first and assign articles later. Every writer must pitch an article idea that adheres to our guidelines, which are at the link below.
Definitely do NOT send a one-sentence email that simply says you want to write for us.
Please do not send a query if you haven’t subscribed to WritersWeekly (it’s free!), reviewed our site, read our stuff (so you know our attitude and audience), and seen what we’ve recently featured.
And, we will PAY YOU!
We have money budgeted for features and it’s burning a hole in our virtual pocket. We pay $60 on acceptance (via Paypal) for around 600 words.
Before you send a query, you MUST read our writer’s guidelines, which are RIGHT HERE.