Would you like to promote your writing business with less cash, less stress, and more profitable results?
To “trumpet” your literary accomplishments without having to toot your own horn?
Consider the power of testimonials. Let them do the work for you.
According to Hubspot.com: “Your testimonials page serves as a platform to show off how others have benefited from your product or service, making it a powerful tool for establishing trust and encouraging potential buyers to take action.”
Marketing expert, Holly Buchanan, further states that there are three conditions for testimonials to have maximum impact.
They must be specific.
They must overcome potential objections.
They must be strategically placed.
Today, we’ll explore the dos and don’t s of testimonials, and how to use them to “speak volumes” about your writing business, build your client base, and your bottom line.
For the uninitiated, testimonials are simply positive statements or references from satisfied clients and customers about your work ethic and excellence in services. Here’s the good news: You’ve probably already been passively acquiring them already through the quality services you provide.
Comments like: “Thanks, Joe, for the terrific job you did on creating the collateral pieces for our new clothing line.” Or: “Mary, you have been a God send. Your work on our website has increased our traffic tremendously this quarter.” Customer comments like this speak volumes about your skill set, your creativity, and your performance record as a freelancer, giving you a much-needed competitive edge in these tough times.
And, I should know. Here’s a case in point. About a month ago, I received an “S.O.S.” from an editor who was struggling with how to improve her site, and increase engagement. She was in a “blog fog.” She had been referred to me by a mutual acquaintance, but was still a bit reluctant to move forward. I sent her a link to testimonials reflected on my blog and, a week later, she responded in a follow-up email: “After reviewing your testimonials, I’m definitely in!”
Still not convinced? Socialfresh.com reports that: “Customer testimonials are the most effective form of content, coming in at an 89% effectiveness rating, according to a 2014 report, compared to other content types.”
Do you have an impressive client who often sings your praises or an editor who has worked with you repeatedly for several years? Don’t be shy! Send them an email or letter asking for their personal endorsement. Most are more than receptive, and would welcome the opportunity to show their appreciation for a job well done. And one thing’s for certain – you’ll never know until you ask.
For optimal results, it’s a good idea to request one after the successful completion of a project (just a few days). Typically, the momentum is still there and the results are still fresh in your clients’ mind.
1. Always request permission to share your clients’ comments in your marketing materials before going public.
2. Whenever possible, obtain a wide range of testimonials from clients from different industries, reflecting an array of your strengths. Diversity adds to your bottom line and marketability.
3. Attach real names and titles (as opposed to abbreviations and pseudonyms), with permission of course, to foster greater credibility and authenticity.
4. Don’t feel obligated to use every testimonial you receive. Quality is better than quantity. Choose wisely.
5. Get creative. Though written testimonials are very popular, videos testimonials are also effective in spreading the word about your business.
6. Place your testimonials in prominent areas on your site and marketing materials to enhance your efforts.
If you’re looking for a way to take your business to new heights in times ahead, harness the power of testimonials. Remember, there’s moni in testi(monials)!
- Testify! Turning Testimonials Into Dollars By Melissa Mayntz
- How To Use “Comment Marketing” To Land Clients! By Jennifer Brown Banks
- Using Comment Marketing to Promote Your Writing By Daryl George
- Networking and “Subtle Promotion” on LinkedIn! By Elizabeth Armenta (WriterLiz, LLC)
- Networking Techniques That Work Fast and Pay Off Big! By David Geer
JENNIFER BROWN BANKS is an author, columnist and award-winning blogger with about 800 publishing credits, reflecting print and online work in various genres. She provides supportive and creative services to busy writers and businesses seeking to increase their visibility and their bottom line. Learn more at Pen and Prosper Blog.
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Thanks, Karen. Glad you found this helpful.
Great article. Thanks for your insight, Jennifer. Need to step up my game in this department, so this is helpful.