Readers’ Letters and Comments for 06/07/18

Comments from readers about featuring real politicians (and other real folks) in your novel.
Comments from readers about featuring real politicians (and other real folks) in your novel.
12 ideas to sell more books from veteran speakers and authors Ellen and Joyce!
A creative writing class, and the exercises it taught, resulted in publication of my creative non-fiction works!
Authors should NOT use real politicians or any other public figures in their fiction without permission.
I never intended to be an author, journalist, or sex-columnist. It happened by default…
Writing scripts for serious YouTube content providers can be a great way to generate some extra income!
Oh, yes! We know you’re excited!! Today, we’re going to share another installment of our popular column, World’s Worst Query Letters and Book Proposals.
Here are some things I’ve learned in my six years as a writer…
Charging your clients by the minute is a great way to make sure you you are accurately compensated for the value of your work. AND, it leaves them with a sense of being charged fairly!
Answering a Craigslist ad revealed that I was worth far more as a writer than I gave myself credit for!