6 Things You Must AVOID When Marketing Your Book – by Amanda Steel
Marketing mistakes are time and money wasters!
Marketing mistakes are time and money wasters!
When I was nine years old, I managed to get my hands on “Forever” by Judy Bloom. I devoured it. And, I came away a much more “knowing” 9-year-old girl. I won’t go into details but, at my maturity level back then, I had no business reading graphic teenage sex scenes and part of me changed during and after reading that book…
Should I make up a fictitious hospital name for use in my novel? Yes. Read why.
Is it cold there? It’s downright frigid here! In fact, we’ve had 9 inches of snow in NW Georgia in the past 2 weeks! What better way to stay warm than by entertaining US with a fantastic story on this cozy weekend?!
Every writer’s work should be published based on its merit; not on whether the writer is marginalized…or not. Do you agree?
There are only 51 days until Christmas. That’s 36 business days. Most full-service print on demand/publishing services firms take around 4-6 months to get a book to market. Some offer rush services but NONE of them offers a 2-week publishing program…except BookLocker…
I would like them to write short stories for NaNoWriMo…
Flying leaves and candy wrappers, an aging mansion, a magician, and a very worried town! Do NOT miss the top three winning stories!!
One of the niche areas within speculative fiction that has exploded in popularity is alternate history…
Unlike other genres, the setting in Gothic fiction is so important that it is often considered a character in itself.