Confused About “Likes” vs. “Friends” on Facebook

Confused About “Likes” vs. “Friends” on Facebook

Hi Angela,

The confusing thing for me about Facebook ‘likes’ is that Forbes prefers us to encourage ‘friends’, which can be done with my personal FB page. I created a writer page (a business one), but it just feels redundant….so I’m still not sure what the importance of it is.


In my opinion, having a “friend” as opposed to a “like” on Facebook works better for book promotion. You can interact more easily with “friends” than with people who “like” your page. You see your “friends'” posts on your page, but you don’t see your followers’ personal posts to their own pages if you have business page that only accepts “likes” instead.

I enjoy a LOT more personal interaction with our readers and authors on my personal Facebook page than on my business page. I can see all their posts, and can personally respond to them. And, I really enjoy getting to know our readers and authors on a personal level on Facebook! It’s one of my favorite parts of the day.

It’s still important to have a business page, however, because that will attract followers who may have heard about your book, or who may be looking for information on a topic your book covers. They may be searching for your book (or your book’s topic) on Facebook; not necessarily your personal page. Likewise, fiction readers may be looking for interesting new fiction on Facebook.

So, I recommend having both a personal and a business Facebook presence. Then, let your fans decide if they want to be your “friend, or if they want to “like” your business page, or both.

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