The Prairie Journal
P.O. Box 68073, 28 Crowfoot Terrace NW
Calgary Alberta, Canada AB T3G 3N8
Website: http://www.prairiejournal.org
Guidelines: http://prairiejournal.org/guidelines.html
Editor: Anne Burke, Literary Editor
Email address:
About The Publication:
100% freelance. “Nonprofit arts, literary and cultural small magazine publishing.” Welcomes new writers. Biannual. Pays on publication. Publication time varies. Buys first N.A. serial rights, or limited online with previously published work. No reprints. Response time varies. Guidelines available online
Pays $25 – 100
Current Needs:
“Poetry, but query first for reviews and interviews.” Pays $25-$100. Articles are up to 1000 words in print and between 2000-3000 online. Submit query by mail.
Pays $25-$100 for articles up to 1000 words.
“We welcome original artwork, line drawings, with high resolution also by mail.”
“Prairie is not western or sage brush. We always need new original work.
Welcomes New Writers: Yes