The Cincinnati Review
P.O. Box 210069
Cincinnati OH 45221-0069
Phone: (513) 556-3954
Fax: (513) 556-3959
Website: https://www.cincinnatireview.com/
Guidelines: https://www.cincinnatireview.com/submission-guidelines-2021-2
Email address: editors-at-cincinnatireview.com
About The Publication:
“The Cincinnati Review is a literary magazine published biannually out of the University of Cincinnati. Prose and poetry from our pages has appeared in anthologies including Best American Poetry, Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, and others.” 100% Freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Guidelines online.
Pays: $30/page for poetry, $25/page for prose.
Current Needs:
“We’re always on the lookout for exciting new pieces of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. We also publish reviews of new books of poetry.” Pays $30/page for poetry, $25/page for prose. Submit query online.
Pays $30/page for poetry, $25/page for prose.
“In every issue, Cincinnati Review features a portfolio from a single
artist, whose artwork appears on the cover as well as in an interior portfolio printed in full color on high gloss stock. Submissions of artwork may be emailed to art@cincinnatireview.com; we ask that artists send up to twenty low-res images for our perusal. We consider all forms of art. Upon publication we pay an honorarium of $100, plus ten contributor copies.”
“Our biggest tip? Send us your very best work. Send us the piece that’s going to excite us. To see what we’re into, check out one of our previous issues-you’ll see that we publish a wide range of work, from traditional to experimental. Give us something that reaffirms our love for literature.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes