Solarpunk Magazine
39658 Jasper Rd
Eugene OR 97452
Website: https://solarpunkmagazine.com/
Guidelines: https://solarpunkmagazine.com/submissions
Editor: Justine Norton-Kertson and Brianna Castagnozzi, Editors-In-Chief, Nonfiction and Art Submissions; Abrianna Tuller and Moshe Siegel, Fiction Editors; J.D. Harlock, Poetry Editor.
Email address: mailto:info@solarpunkmagazine.com
About The Publication:
“Solarpunk Magazine is a bimonthly online publication of radically hopeful science fiction and fantasy with a focus on climate solutions and building a utopian future.” Bimonthly. Pays upon publication, or within 60 days of signing a contract. Publishes ms in 60-180 days. Buys exclusive first worldwide English-language electronic/digital rights (becomes non-exclusive after six months), worldwide non-exclusive audio rights, nonexclusive worldwide English-language (for a period of three years from the date of publication). No reprints. Responds in 30-60 days. Guidelines online.
Pays $0.08/word, $40/poem, and $75/nonfiction article
Current Needs:
“Solarpunk themed short stories, poetry, visual art for our covers and interior, and nonfiction.” Pays $0.08/word, $40/poem, and $75/nonfiction article. Max page count for fiction is 7,500 words, for poems 5 pages, and nonfiction 2,000 words. Submit complete ms with short cover letter via Moksha.
Pays $0.08/word, $40/poem, and $75/nonfiction article
“Cover art: 8.5×11 inches or a larger equivalent, and at least 300 DPI.” Pays $100/reprint cover art, $300/original cover art, $50/reprint interior art, and $150/original interior art.
“We only accept submissions through Moksha. Submissions received by email will be deleted without review. We do not accept dystopian works.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes