Intertribal Life

Intertribal Life

Intertribal Life
P.O. Box 3765, Redwood Post Office
Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada R2W 3R6

Phone: (204) 661-9333

Editor: Jim Uttley, Editor.
Email address:

About The Publication:

“We are a bi-monthly Native North American newspaper whose purpose is to present good news of what’s happening across Indian Country.” 20% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 14K. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms two months after acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Responds within six weeks.

Pays $0.15/word up to $175 for 500-2000 words.

Current Needs:

“Authentic stories of Native Americans who have a challenging life story, whose life has been transformed by Jesus Christ.” Pays $0.15/word up to $175 for 500-2000 words.

Pays $0.15/word up to $175 for 500-2000 words.


Pays $50/photo.


“We give preference to Native American writers. However, we are open to anyone who can write news or feature articles that portray Native people in a positive light.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes