Celebrate Life Magazine
P.O. Box 1350
Stafford VA 22555
Phone: 540-659-4171
Website: https://www.clmagazine.org/
Guidelines: https://www.clmagazine.org/submission-guidelines
Editor: Bonnie Seers, Managing Editor
Email address: clmag@all.org
About The Publication:
America’s premier pro-life publication. Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within three years of acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Responds within a month.
Pays $0.15-$0.25/word for 1,000-1,800 words
Current Needs:
“Educational and human interest stories on adoption, abortion, chastity, reproductive technologies, and end-of-life issues. Expanded list available in guidelines. (All these topics must be approached from a pro-life perspective consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Consult the Catechism of the Catholic Church for reference.)” Pays $0.15-$0.25/word for 1,000-1,800 words. “Submit via e-mail, as a Microsoft Word document and note time-sensitive articles (referring to current legislation/news or holiday-oriented) in the subject line. If necessary, you may paste the article directly into the body of your e-mail.”
Pays $0.15-$0.25/word for 1,000-1,800 words
“See guidelines.” Pays $25/photo used in the article, only if photo was taken specifically for the article.
“Common mistakes would be not reading the submission guidelines available online; submitting off-topic articles; submitting reprints, and submitting poetry, allegories, fiction, music, and songs; submitting disorganized information and expecting us to make sense of it; or submitting a story tip or suggestion without sufficient explanation or contact information.”
Welcomes New Writers: