Aruba Nights

Aruba Nights
1751 Richardson Street, Suite 4.203
Montreal Quebec, Canada H3K 1G6

Phone: (514)931-1987
Fax: (514)931-6273

Editor: Sunanda Markus, Editor.
Email address:

About The Publication:

85% freelance. “Lifestyle & travel magazines with an editorial focus that targets the visitor who is already on the island. Includes stories on activities, dining, shopping, history and culture. Distributed free-of-charge throughout each respective location.” Welcomes new
writers. Circ. Bonaire Nights 80K; others 150K to 250K. Annual (December). Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 10-12 months after acceptance. Buys first Caribbean and N.A. rights. No reprints. Responds 1 month. Sample $5 (US) payable to Nights Publications, Inc. No SASE required. Subscription not available.

Current Needs:

“Fresh treatments of familiar destination topics: Activities, Nightlife, Shopping, Entertainment, Dining; Lifestyle stories on colorful local people who readers can meet, or whose art or contributions to island life readers can enjoy firsthand.” Submit cover letter with complete ms by e-mail.

Pays $100-$250 for 300-750 words.


Indicate photo availability with cover letter. Pays $50 per photo.


“Writers should focus on a particular theme or activity rather than general overviews. Be descriptive, fluid and friendly in your writing, and remember that your reader is already on vacation there!”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes