Going Cold Turkey!!

Going Cold Turkey!!

The first year we lived in Florida, we were still acclimated to the Maine climate. On Thanksgiving day, we had guests from Key Biscayne, Florida to Texas in our house. That house (we were renting while looking for a permanent place) had huge sliders in the living and dining rooms. It was probably in the 60’s outside and we Mainers were LOVING it! Our southern family members, however, were NOT. As the day progressed, after they bundled up in sweaters, and wiped their running noses, they asked us to close the doors…and turn on the heater.

Last year, Thanksgiving was quite warm and, on Christmas, we were all wearing shorts. It doesn’t look like this year will be that way! We’re getting that “arctic blast” that is all over the news right now and we are super excited! It was a scorching summer and October in Florida was one of the warmest on record. So, when things cool off, we’re going to be downright giddy!

When I was growing up in sultry Texas, a cold holiday season was something to be savored. When the first powerful cold front of the season would arrive, everyone would be instantly happy! Big smiles. People (prematurely) humming Christmas carols. A brisk bite to the air. Sweaters and jackets pulled out of the moth balls. It was HEAVEN!

When we moved to Maine, that didn’t happen anymore. You see, the summers in Maine were mild, to put it lightly, and, as early as the end of August, you’d need to turn on your heater in the car after dark. The furnace would be running full-time by mid-September. And, while Christmas was always postcard-perfect, I missed that “it’s finally Fall!” feelings that southerners would enjoy in one fell swoop, with that one big cold front, every year.

Tonight in Florida, the temperatures will dip into the 50’s. I have pulled my fuzzy robe out of the back of my tiny closet on the boat and I even bought a new pair of fuzzy socks! When I heard the weather forecast, I went into full-throttle, pre-holiday mode. I texted our daughter and son-in-law, asking what I needed to bring for Thanksgiving, and I opened my Christmas List template in my computer, and started pondering what to get our loved ones this season.

Oh, and of course, we got Tom, the giant, stuffed turkey, out of storage, and put him on the boat. Now that he’s free from that dusty room,  he’s no longer in a fowl mood…


Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of WritersWeekly.com, the President and CEO of BookLocker.com and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here: https://24hourshortstorycontest.com/


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Dissatisfaction with public and private schools continues to grow, and with more and more acceptance of homeschoolers at colleges and universities, now is the time to encourage all those who are ready and willing, that they are able and qualified to teach their children, even and especially if they must continue working. The Working Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling answers questions such as, “How can I work and homeschool?” by showing the reader how to find what works for them.

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