How to Make Money Writing Product Descriptions By Jessy Faraday

How to Make Money Writing Product Descriptions By Jessy Faraday

AI tools can produce content for sure. But, they are definitely not the alternative for human copywriting. That’s especially true for product description writing.

Why product descriptions are still the growing trend in the digital era:

70% of buyers would recommend a product to others if they feel personally connected to it, according to Molista’s study. Human written product descriptions can help build that personal connection between the product and the potential buyer.

On the contrary, AI-generated text would only lead to robotic or formulaic descriptions that also lack the pain points and aspirations of the target audience. That’s when product description writers can avail the opportunity to outperform AI tools by writing compelling product descriptions for potential clients. But, the question is, how to find those clients and make some serious money?

Several content marketing websites are always looking for product description writers:

Verblio: It’s a great platform for those who want to write on niche topics. For 300 words, they pay $11.50. You’ll gain points as you write and, then, your rates can be increased.

Get a Copywriter: Their pay rates per 1000 words range between $55-$80 (Pro level) and $122-$176 (Expert level).

BKA Content: They require product descriptions for various e-commerce sites and pay $0.025 to $0.04 per word. Payments are released fortnightly.

The Content Panel: They use AI algorithms to match the writers’ skills with the requirements of the current projects, and assign writing tasks accordingly. The pay rates are between $0.02 and $0.08 per word. They pay writers on Mondays.

Job boards: Some job boards including Problogger, Blogging Pro, Freelance Writing Jobs, Indeed, SimplyHired, and FlexJobs provide highly paid product description jobs to freelance writers.

Freelance marketplaces: Create an account as a Product Description Writer on any or all of the freelance marketplaces such as Guru, PeoplePerHour, Upwork, and Fiverr. You can set your pay rate from $10 to even $75 per hour (depending on your level of experience and expertise). Keep in mind that your profile on a freelance marketplace is just like your online shop. To stand out, you should write a compelling profile that immediately attracts clients so they will choose you over others.

Bidding-based freelance marketplaces: Join Freelancer and other bidding marketplaces, pitch your proposal, and bid for product description jobs posted by various clients. The bidding price can be as low as $15 per hour and as high as $455 per project.

Strategies to reach potential clients interested in outsourcing product descriptions from a content specialist:

Besides using freelancing platforms, you can directly reach potential clients who might need descriptions for their products.

Approach clients via LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

As a product description writer, one of your biggest target audiences includes Amazon sellers. Approaching them has now become easier by using LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Though it’s LinkedIn’s paid feature (you need to register first), it works wonders as it offers filters to search for Amazon sellers who might outsource product description writing services.

Begin your search by targeting those who are in Amazon Seller Groups. Once you’ve found these groups, use keywords for job titles such as CEO, Owner, Marketplace Manager, or eCommerce Manager. Since these titles represent decision-maker roles, seeking them out will enable you to directly offer your product description services to them.

LinkedIn searches will give you access to around 2500 Amazon sellers. Now that you have their contact information, you can contact them with a proposal. Remember to sound professional in your query. If this is the first time you’re writing a query, take help from Query Letters That Worked.

Approach clients via Facebook Groups and Facebook Pages:

Join Facebook Groups that are dedicated to Shopify entrepreneurs, Amazon sellers, or e-commerce copywriters. You can search the groups where sellers are actively seeking advice for increasing their sales. Answer their questions, provide valuable insights, and suggest your product description services. But, before that, make sure you have a professional Facebook Page that’s specifically targeted to sellers/business owners looking for product descriptions.

Using Facebook ads is another way to go. Tailor your ad content by highlighting how professionally written product descriptions can help companies increase sales.

Now that you know how to approach clients looking for product description writers, ask yourself, “Are my product descriptions really persuasive?” Remember: the goal is to “over-deliver” to clients so they can always consider you even when it comes to writing descriptions for their new products. Shopify provides some great information HERE.

The Takeaway

Product description writing can be a rewarding experience that also pays well. Try all the above-mentioned strategies to approach clients. Of course, one strategy might work better than another. But, in a short period, you’ll see clients coming in for sure.


Jessy Faraday believes that words can influence people, decisions, directions, and above all: the readers! With the passion to explore writing opportunities, she feels joy in discovering the writing landscapes. She loves to be on the hunt to make her freelancing career remarkable so others can also be inspired.