My wife and I returned to our computers and discovered your WritersWeekly history. My wife and I together did for our five kids what you had to do alone for your three kids. The results were worth the effort.
We empathize with your past and congratulate you on your present.
Thanks for the history.
– William Pepe
Lovely, dear, lovely! Gave me an idea for the opening of my next novel!
– JDB Communications, LLC
Thank you for sharing! I’m a history nut so your personal history was so neat to read. And, I agree with what you posted…. I go for “Home Office” first, and then “Paying Markets.” I have recommended BookLocker.com more times than I can remember! You guys rock!
– Arlene
I’ve known you since grade school, Angie, and you have always been one of the most creative, inspiring, caring, thoughtful people I’ve ever met. And I have never heard this story before and am anxious to hear part two. You have not changed one bit since we were little and it’s a joy to know you!!
– Micki Grimmer
Hmmm. Someone should pick up the movie rights – attention, Reese Witherspoon! I’m hooked and can’t wait till next week!
Thanks for sharing this with us, Angela.
– Sharon Wingler
I agree with Sharon! I think your next writing project should be a screenplay: ANGELA’S ST”ASHES” of Wit, Wisdom and Words for Writers. LOL! And, I think Reese would be perfect for the main character. You’re both blonde beauties. I’ll be the first in line to see the blockbuster! You’ve got a lot of verve, and you inspire so many, including me!
Can’t wait for “Part II” next week!
– cattalespress